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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
team jacob all the way!
as you can see i've become "Team Jacob". ahahaha.
i know it's freaky, but what the hell! arghh, i can stand this anymore! i need to watch New Moon like as soon as possible. since spm is over i hope i get to watch it, if not I'll buy the DVD if i have to. i ain't going to wait for the astro to show it. it will take them ages to shown on the TV.
actually i wanted really bad to watch the movie because i wanted to see jacob. since i saw the new moon movie wallpaper, oh well i think from there you would understand since i talk about it in my previous post already.
anyways, will update soon!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Today is the day i start breathing again.
(7th December 2009)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:35 PM 0 comments
the days begins.
The day is finally here, my freedom day! AHHH *shouts like crazy* you have no idea how it feels like when the hall supervisor took our economics paper 2 from our hand. ahaha. the first thing i did was smile to myself and deep down inside i wanted to shout ;) it was a great day for me. you have no idea how long I've waited for this day to come since like i don't know, 3 month ago.
the examination hall roar to life with pure excitement in our voices, cheering the end of spm well for some of us! others still had a few paper to go. well today was suppose to be a relax day for me, but my friends apparently can't wait to start this glorious day with a day out somewhere far from sunway. i would have assume that maybe we would go to sunway but they decided to go to times square.well times square was not a bad choice! ahaha. it was really fun and full of laughter and shouting like some maniac person. seriously! i spend my day with mariah, nesha, azian, tun and liyana! THERE AWESOME!
you should really try the DNA MIXER, crazy i say! i practically have bruises when i got home on both of my shoulders. but it was worth it. after the whole theme park thing me, liyana, azian and tun had some sushi king while nesha & mariah settle for some KFC ;) i was really actually craving for some tune mayo and California rolls.
well the worst part of it was the traffic jam that we caught our self into while on the way back. with the heavy rain that was pouring down, it was hard even to read the sign boards. i reach home around 8pm. thank liyana for the ride back and tun too! hahaha.
can't wait to go to azian's house to play monopoly and go for swimming ;)
more update to come from me! loving every second now!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
my heart just melts away.
My latest obsession is Taylor Lautner! he is so bloody hot. he is the hot stuff of all hot stuff! he's body in the new moon cover is like, OMFG!as you can see currently this photo is my screen saver. every time i see this, i just melt away! ahaha :o
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Happy 17th Birthday NoorAzian!
A special post for my best friend Azian! This post is specially made by moi for you!
What can i say, she has been with me through out my high school years. We've been stuck in the same class since form 1. ahaha. we had so much memories together. I'm glad I knew her, she's one hell of a girl to be with. She the BEST! She always has a smile on her face and always try to cheer me when I'm having a bad day.
Azian, I'm so glad that i knew you. Thanks for making my day a bright sunny day :)
Love you babe!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
i can smell the freedom already.
as everyone know currently I'm still in those spm weeks. haha. gosh, you have no idea how i dealt with the first day of spm. everyone is all worried but I'm the weird one with a smile on my face laughing and grinning like some retarded person. haha. anyways "i think" i did the best i would do. sejarah paper 2 was shit like who doesn't know!
i still have another three set of exams paper.
well mostly I've been worrying about my account! account paper is this coming Monday and tomorrow till Sunday i have accounts tuition which I'm not complaining at all! since it will be my last tuition classes.
I'm bored so just now i was search some new TV series to watch after I'm finish with my exam. am i found this TV series called "the vampires diaries", I'm not sure if it already shown on the TV or not but whatever it is I'm currently downloading the whole 1st season. Damon Salvatore is divine!
and gotta go! love you ppl to bits! :)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
the kuno internet!
helo people! currently blogging at hypermedia which is really weird. it's really weird blogging in an open place. anyway i'm here supposely to study. just did my science paper. so i'm just taking a break from studying. i'm currently browsing through some theme party for the evening in paris.
gosh the internet here is freaking slow. dah lar takde mozilla firefox. kuno giler!
the place here is really boring and cold. eveytime i come her my feet would always be cold.ahaha
anyway gtg. this pc is really boring ;)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
the new icon.
Emma Watson has grown up quite well and now she a fashion icon.
OK this is really random but I'm bored out of my mind after coming back from the library studying sejarah!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 4:53 PM 0 comments
designer shoes.
Apparently i was browsing through images of designer shoes and this really caught my eye! the picture says it all. Awesome design ;)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy 17th Birthday Nabila.
This post is specially done for my best friend NABILA! alright since her birthday is coming up tomorrow i would like to make this post as meaning full as possible.
i first met N when we were in form 1,that was the first time I've ever met her. she's one hell of a loud and unpredictable girl. our friendship progress and by the end of form 2 we were inseparable. along those years I've knew a few things about her.
she has always been there for me when I'm sad & happy. she's the greatest friend I've ever found!
i miss our moments together during form 3. that was definitely the best year I've had with her. apparently we sat together in class and in the middle of the front row. we would always make noises and everyone would stare at us. we would fight about some silly things and end up with bruise arm since we would smack each other up really hard, but no one can beat her "smack"! it was like 1 smack of her's = 10 smack of mine.
anyway N I'm glad that we met and i really cherish our friendship together! your the best and you know it's true :)
your always going to be my bitch! and last but not list, I LOVE YOU so much and that comes straight from my heart! take care N and i wish you all the luck in this coming exam and i know you can do it!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
single life.
alright the previous post was a total emotional and confusing moment for me. at one point i need something to be let out, it was definitely one of "those" moments. so anyone if you are reading this i know you know who it is! so just keep it tight to yourself.
now days i've haven't had "the feeling" anymore. like seriously! it's just gone like the wind. so it's time to move one and get my study straight!
anyways, just a little update. my studying are in progress and i really starting to like accounts. i know, OMG! well basically in another 3 weeks to go it will be spm. and yes it's starting to freak me out. but a little meditation her and there everything is alright :)
plus i feel depressed now knowing that during prom there will be a slow dance going on. and it make me super depressed because i got NO DATE to go with. i'm not saying that i desperate to have one, it's just that i'll be fun bringing one. ahaha. gosh, they are right! it sucks not to have any date! well this is what i get being in a "single" life.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
i'm confuse about thing whole thing.
This past few days i've been having some thoughts that i think i shouldn't even be thinking about. but when i thought about it, it might be some possibility's that i like him. but you know what this sort of things to me usually comes and goes. if you know what i mean. I'm not really comfortable talking about it but i think letting out a part of it is good for me. but whatever it is study comes first. seriously i don't know what got into me, it never slipped my mind before this.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Fallin' For You.
I think I maybe
Fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know where to
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
As I'm standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It's just you and me
I'm trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don't know where to
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh I just can't take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don't know where to
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you (x2)
I'm fallin' for you
Oh no no
Oh I'm fallin' for you
Posted by Su'Aidah at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
using phone is so hard to blog!
hey there! I'm blogging from adruce phone and apparently is really hard because the keypad is really small! Haha. Anyway i miss blogging and the internet cause i brother took the power cord out. So yeah, life pretty much suck without the internet.
Anyway spm is in 49 day and something hours.
So here i am! I nak wish adruce happy 15th birthday! Hehe, i hope you like the surprise we did for you! Aren't we the best people you've ever had!
Till here je lar i nak update about my life. Hehe.
much love,
Posted by Su'Aidah at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
keeping up.
hey hey hey!
it's been awhile i see! sorry if i've been abandoning the blog. hadn't really had the time and mood to blog!
anyway here i am!
quick update, yesterday i had a blast going out with a bunch of people at midvalley. i when out with the usual's that is nabila,fadzrin and adruce and new people which are shaffieq,faiz,azri and amirul. we were suppose to meet up at kl sentral but me,nab,adruce and fadzrin was stuck at midvalley since it was close to the berbuka puasa time. we break our fast at popeyas( i think that how they spell it). the fried chicken was good!
later on we walk around and i had to get something from robinson so we walked to the gardens. bounght my things then later on we met with the others at the food court. we talked and stuff like that :)
we decide to watched the gamer with was a bit confusing in the starting but the ending was awesome! and boy oh boy! gerard butler was DELICIOUS! ahaha.
the movie ended around 11pm. this was the first time i actually when out with friend and watch a movie that ended really late! haha. lame i know ;)
we took a taxi back home and yeah that the whole part of yesterday!
raya is this coming sunday so i would like to wish all the Muslim's Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
plus spm is just around the corner so most probably i'll be away for quite a while!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i got a feeling,
this is what you get when you have liyana doing your hair. ahaha. she wanted to curl my hair.
this is me while i was watching the adams family movie. i miss that movie, it's been awhile since the last time i watched it. dah lama giler tak show in the astro.

Posted by Su'Aidah at 2:18 PM 0 comments
i'm preparing for the biggest thing ever.
hey everyone! i know it's been awhile since the last time i blog. been quite busy with some of the school activities and obviously with my study's. SPM trials are starting tomorrow and i'm freaking scared with it because i not really quite ready with it.

Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
it when all nuts on me.
the television when nuts and now i have no other source of entertainment except the internet. i hope today the internet does not go all bitchy on me cause I'm so not in the mood for it.
today in school i didn't feel right at all. my whole body felt really weak and i think i could count the number of words i spoke to people. during assembly i could barely keep my eyes open. it was cold and sort of chilly.
most of the time in class i was just sleeping and lying on my table. felt so irritated with my surrounding.
sorry people if i wasn't all smiley and happy today. seriously i wasn't myself today.
i hope tomorrow I'm back to my normal old self ;)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
special thanks!
To the people who made my 17th birthday a really happy and joyful day! you all really made the best out of it.
special thanks to nabila & liyana for the awesome surprise. i really didn't aspect it would be so surprising :)
to the people that was there :
thanks for the surprise you guys. and plus to those who wished me too!
i love you guys to the max and that really comes straight from my heart!
AND for the unexpected present from adruce, he got me this stripped black & white bra! ahaha. and farhan for the key chain ;)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
it's really tiny.
hey loves!
I'm currently blogging at my cousin's laptop. I'm here at sentul at my auntie house cause my cousin wife just delivered her baby! it's a baby boy. it's so tiny! :)
anyway tomorrow i'm having my accounts tuition and shit, i haven't finish my homework yet!
anyway yesterday post was really deep and i don't know what got into me. i think there would be a moment when i just have to let go of my past and move forward.
and now I'm feeling really bored cause i fell like having some scandals. it's fun!
alright then, i hungry and dinner i almost ready.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
i'm smiling now.
that was the first!
i've never open up about my past and i feel better after doing it.
now i can smile without you intruding my life.
I am free!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 8:29 PM 0 comments
you were never.
is it just me or i just wasted my time last time for someone i barely knew or should i say i never see before. i was naive last time. sometime i regret knowing him but sometime i miss him. i was young and i was keen to know stuff. after all those hours with him, i gave my time for him and after what he did was just unforgettable to me. he was such a big impact in my life. after that i distance myself from people and i almost cried for him. and thank god i didn't cry because i think my tears are not worth crying for him. urgh!
i gave in and he took it and after that he just drop it and when away. after sometime you came back to me and started saying all those sweet word to me. well sorry I'm not that person you knew last time. life's goes on and i do not want to turn back time and remembering all those things i had with you. you were my past. and i want to let go of my past. and leave you behind. fuck off!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 8:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
was figuring out an outfit to wear for tomorrow's event and of course this was not it.
just wasting my time camwhoring :)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 8:10 PM 0 comments
addicted to it.
Tomorrow is my school Hari Keluarga! and I'll be so busy till night falls since at night is the closing ceremony dinner and the talent quest finals. and the next morning I'll be having my account tuition. i planned to just sleepover at nabila's house. i can't believe this whole 3 weekend I've busy with school events.
gosh,i have to start catching up with my studies.
anyway,today was and awesome day. it was predicted that today would be a day that people won't be coming to school and it was true. Ha-ha. this whole day everyone was busy setting up their stores for tomorrow. and guess what? today was the first time i ponteng school,but i just when out with the teacher knowing about it. me,liyana,azian,fadzrin,hussien,syed and hasif when for breakfast at jaring near sunway pyramid.
at first it was all nervous but later on it was all cool! well everyone seem to be staring at us when we came to the restaurant. what do you aspect, we were in school uniforms :p
we came back just in time for recess :) later on me and fadzrin search high and low for nabila since we got all worried that she would be emo-ing since we left her at school. found her at the library,having the talent quest meeting. i when inside to call her but everyone called me in to listen to the meeting too. Ha-ha. after that i lepak in class doing the decorations for our store. and got bored so i seem to be in and out of the class and lepak with other people :)
anyway got to go! can't wait to go for all three haunted house tomorrow ;)
till the next one darlings!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
dreading it.
How amazing is it that I manage to fall asleep within 10 minutes. i was supposed wish happy birthday to liyana last night but somehow after 3 minutes of hearing "heal the world" by Michael Jackson i fallen asleep. and the alarmed i set did not ring. well that happens to me quite often though.
this morning i was up by the knocking sound of the door by my dad. i was like "what the heck happen!" i quickly sent the birthday wish to liyana and found out that i was sleeping with the iPod beside me.
well we celebrated liyana's birthday during recess time. the cake was awesome. it was Oreo cheesecake. Yum! and during additional maths class i was sleeping for the whole two period. it was good.Ha-ha!
Oh shit, i haven't copy the economics notes! Alright, till the next post darlings ;)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
it's hard for me to say.
It’s hard for me to explain why all this while I just haven’t found the right guys to share my laughter’s and sadness. I do, would like one day to experience those sorts of emotions with someone. Ha-ha. Well it’s just not my time yet. But everyone seem to be saying that we should experience this sort of thing during our high school years, but all the guys that’s I seem to know I’ll treat them as only my friends. I never see them as more than that ;)
I don’t really like to talk about this, but ones in a while I should talk about it right?
Well I did like someone long time ago, but it’s really hard for me to express the way I felt towards that person. I was so naive. And before that I had this huge crush towards my classmate long before I even started my high school years. To tell you them truth I sort of still have feeling towards him. I mean how funny is it, before this we use to chase each other around the school and later on would end up outside the 7 Eleven talking nonsense stuff. Well those were the days!
I would say that most of the time whenever my friends and I talk about this topic I would most probably change the subject and get caught red handed for changing the topic ;)
I think I’m more of those people who like helping other with their relationship.
Urgh, enough of talking about relationship! I’ll just let natural do its wonders around me!
Let get back to reality shall we!
On Saturday was report card day and my dad took it for me since I was too tired and was too afraid to be with the teachers. Well nothing bad happen when I asked my dad about it and just asked why was there some red marks in my report card. I failed my accounts and economics paper. Other just passed and I only got A2 for my English which I was not really satisfied with it. I thought I would do better than that.
Sunday was the semi-finals for the talent quest competition and it had fun being with my friends. The most unforgettable memories was the time we were trying to assemble the classroom back to its original position! It was so hilarious when Aimi and Fadzrin
was pushing the tables towards us with full force and the screeching noise was unbearable.
Well this whole week is going through alright I guess. And I finally got myself “The Pride and Prejudice” novel. I promise myself that I would read it after my whole exams are over and done with it! Can’t wait!
And tomorrow is someone’s birthday! Hahahaha!
Liyana Zahari!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
i love you :)
Today was the first day of school after the two weeks holidays that i just had. well to sum things up,my holidays aren't that bad nor that fun. i think it was just Fine! as i had expected i sleep quite late last night and and didn't really had a good night sleep due to my sort of insomnia that i would have just before school would start again after those long holidays.
had the usual tuna sandwiches which was good! ahahah ;) Anyway,today during the assembly i found out from eniza that we would be getting our rotary club participation certificate. and i was like "oh OK",But! she said to me that we would be getting it during the assembly while everyone is looking at use,no not looking but staring! ahahah.
well that give me the chills! eniza's father gave us the certificate while on the stage. i like that material they use for the certificate! it's so shiny :P
i was sort of scared before going up the stage since i have this sort of stage fright. but i think i conquered my stage fright already by now after all those dancing performance,don't you think so?
today too i got my English and civic paper which I'm OK with the marks that was present to me. but my English I'm not so happy with! i got a freaking B but better that a C right? well civic i got A1! ahah.
anyway it's passed my bed time already and i really need to pack my school bag for tomorrow :)
Night people!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
100th post!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
makes me want more.
i just saw the new moon trailer! i so want to watch,but hopefully the movie is coming after my spm exam!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
moving foward.
today seems to relax. maybe because i only have sivik paper and mathematics paper 1. we had our sivik paper first and waited till 11.55 for our maths paper. so you see i feel so relax cause both paper aren't that hard ,but not to brag that i could score them both A's.
in class we all had to discuss on what to do for the family day. urgh. so after awhile we made an agreement to do something different :) top secret! oh,that so lame!
so anyway maths exam when well i guess. there were a few or some question that i couldn't get through. even some seem so easy but i could understand. ish!
for now i feel a huge sense of relieve since mid-terms are over and done. now i need to start getting ready for trial. i so not gonna shit things up for my trial. they are important for me to get into college. can't believe I'm talking about all thing. so not me ;P
anyways,tomorrow I'll be hanging with some people to get those holiday spirit started up! supposedly got teacher's day celebration going on tomorrow at school but too lazy to go. HEHE. instead we'll be karaoke-ing and movie-ing and shopping! it's been awhile since i when out with my friends. i miss you guys!
happy holidays to everyone and have a save trip to anyone who is going out-station destination!
and more updates will be made during the two week breaks.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 3:40 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
This is one of the most emotional of all signs but at the same time one of the most protective of those they love. When a cancer allows you to become close personally with them, you will meet one of the most kind and caring people of the Zodiac. Make them mad and you will meet one of the most sensitive and formidable.
Moodiness is one of the worst of their faults. They are quick to be in an up mood but just as quickly they are in a black hole. Keeping them moderated is the ideal situation for a Cancer personality. And along with their changeable personalities Cancers can also be shy.
Sentimentality runs deep in the Cancerian. If you want someone to find the best card or gift for another, ask a Cancer personality. They are very inventive in their gifts and the receivers of such will tell you just how good they are. This romanticism is part of the Cancer aura but may keep a Cancerian living in the past instead of moving forward. Cancerians adore their children. Home and family is vital to the Cancer personality. If this water sign is not careful, they can smother the ones they love with their protectiveness.
Even though they love money, fulfillment is more important to them. Their hoarding instinct makes them good at keeping the money they have made.
Unable to let go
The Moon
The Pearl
Smoky Gray
Silvery Blue
Posted by Su'Aidah at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hello! I'm sorry i haven't been blogging,it's just that I've been busy with a lot of thing in school :P
well anyway a lot has happen since I'm gone.
I've been busy with 2 performance that is the achievement day in my school and the rotary club event at holiday villa.a bunch of us had to perform and let me say this,the whole thing was AWESOME! i bonded with the people i never thought i would. you guys were rocking!
well back to reality,I'm having my mid-term exam right now.today's exam was English and history. well both of them i did sort of horribly,since i study kinda last minute. "tu la su,study last minute lagi!".hehe. well whatever lar.exam will be over next Thursday and woo hoo! holiday is coming soon. so much of studying to catch up with! OK,i promise i would study as much a possible during the holidays to cover up my form 4 topics!
Au Revoir Mon Cher!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I've just realize that i barely have at least five emo pictures.HAHA! almost all of my pictures in the library are all smiley faces. gosh i never actually though about that before. i can't really imagine myself all emo and depress even those time of the month i don't got all emo with people just a little tense ones in a while.
school today was a tad boring since i was at the hall the whole day. the dance now seem to be more synchronize that the other day. anyway teacher asked us to find some short baju kebaya and a sarung that goes well with it. the only baju i have is baju kurung,i don't have ANY baju kebaya maybe last time i have one but that was long time ago.and i never feel comfortable wearing them,don't know why?
Posted by Su'Aidah at 7:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
just one.
in class i was surprise by the fact that i was suppose to have pj lesson but pn.azilah wanted to use our two period of pj lesson for economics lesson. and yet i was surprise by the popping up of pn.kausar my pj teacher saying that pn.azilah tak jadi want to masuk our class. i was super relieve! i felt like a bug huge sense of relieve to came to me.
i was just starting to do my economics homework when there was an announcement made and guess what pn.sherily asked the people who are interested in joining the performance for the achievement day to come down and i was one of those peoples name called by that was compulsory to come down to the hall. there goes my time to catch up with the homework's and lesson in class.BTW,the achievement day is this coming Saturday!
anyhow,a group of us was required to perform tarian melayu wish was not easy at first since teacher asked us to figure out the steps on our own. wish did not really surprise me much.in the end of the day we managed to figure out some steps and practice a little.
well tomorrow there will be another practices which will be going on till school ends!
hope i can manage all the steps in time!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
my very last one.
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
it's everything.
Bonjour chéris!sorry for the abandoning this blog since i can't really find the time to actually write the blog. but i really did want to blog about my current life. ahaha. nothing special :)
just that this whole week I've not been in class due to the aerobic performance i joined for the smksu sports day that will be held on the 19th of April. do come and support us!
anyhow, exam is just around the corner.to be exact it another two weeks more till the mid-term. urgh! i never could actually focus on my studies since whenever I'm back home from school i would just be too tired and would probably fall asleep in the evening.
well i still will be skipping classed for another whole week to perfect our moves for the aerobic. i thought to myself that i promise to myself last year that i wouldn't joined any school performance but what the hell! i totally broken that promise. i have a tons of homework and notes to catch up with,especially accounts and economics subject.
i better not flunk my mid-terms exam since it's pretty important from what i heard from other people.
plus my body feels really sore from all those aerobic moves.it's like some sort of cardio exercise with all those jumps and kicks and running.BUT anyhow i do have fun dancing and meeting new people and bonding with my friends. ily! ahahah!
alright i got to do some stuff right now and i promise i update more often :P
Posted by Su'Aidah at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
I'm currently very excited right now since i have or should i say i own an ipod! can't believe it :)
my dad bought it for me at Jakarta,never though that he would be buying it for me! i <3 you!
well my dad bought me the ipod classic which is totally awesome ;) anyway,today was first day of school and i barely could open my eyes in class. and there was this vandalism on the school building that was done by some low life idiot person. like seriously when i saw those word written on the wall it just so disgusting. this was not the first time that has happen to the school i think 3 years ago that same thing happen but wasn't as bad as the current one.
oh yeah! i totally forgot to mention that last Saturday i went to sunburst '09 with mariah! i was freaking awesome and we got to hear & see some bands sing. but the best was n.e.r.d! pharrel william was there like in action! HE-WAS-SMOKING-HOT! and also there was korn too! overall everything was great and i think we had walk around the field for almost 20 times and we were offer to buy beers for 4 times,which we did not buy :) ahahaa.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
just a quick and short update.
last Wednesday we had our class gathering at sunway. everything was awesome and fun! i really had a great time and plus i tried shisha for the first time :) at this really classy place and the view and atmosphere was super awesome!
anyhow,school holiday is coming to and end and i haven't finish my econ's homework yet! yikes!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
delay is the best word.
but I'll just try and asked for a cheap shoe or i could wear my old shoe,but whenever i wear it never feels right.
enough of the shoe dilemma. let's talked about life,well life have been a totally drag and bored. from tomorrow onward I'll be having a account tuition at 8am till 10am. now everyday is a busy day.no more getting the chance to sleep late on Saturday night.but on the bright side since i drop add maths my homework have given me less burden on the homework area.
well i guess till here for this post. I'll update on other things later on :)
and do visit our new pup blog with a totally new and fresh look.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
the smallest thing that counts.
school have been dull and boring. the first term exam is just around the corner and I haven't started with the studying and reading.i definitely can't screw up my first exam again. teachers have not been entering classes and some just comes in and out just as they please,like hello the student are in front of you.
I'll post something more productive when i have the mood and story to update :)
btw,i actually delayed for almost a week plus on posting this post due to busy and hectic life.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
smooth,i don't think so.
My plan to catch up with my sleep is totally ruined. I haven't had a good night sleep for this whole entire week due to some busy weekends and the class production for the v-day. Well the whole v-day selling was totally our idea (you know who you are). This whole thing was mainly to raise money for our senior page that actually cost about RM600 per page. So yeah,this is the only way for us to actually raise some money and finding for some sponsors. Well, my class is very ambitions that they would like to have four pages that would probably cost us around RM2400.
Well now my body has sores everywhere due to the cross-country I joined yesterday. I’m proud to say that I actually manage to collect points for my house team. Like W-O-W! since this is going to be my last year in high school, I would actually want to have a bunch of memorable experience so next time I could tell my children and grandchildren about my time in high school and remember how silly I was during my teenage years.
After that we just chilled at the hall while we were entertained to some performance by the students and teachers which were pretty rocking! Later on I hang at the canteen with nabila,azian,nana,aimi &
On this day too we meaning mariah,nesha & naznin had to cut & decorate the roses and balloons which was "supposedly" help my our classmates which eventually never shown up to help us out. It wasn't easy but we manage to complete everything that we could do on that time. Further more I had a really bad headache from I-don't-know-what-the-cause-was for the whole time we were doing the roses. I when home around 8 plus and had to rush to eat and bath so I could start with the cutting of the roses cards. Thank god my dad helps out with the card stuff. I was DEAD EXHAUSTED by the time I fall on my comfy and inviting bed.
This morning I had a hard time waking up due to the lack of sleep I did not have and the tiredness that has not ware out yet from me and the soreness from my body. If I did not force myself to wake up I wouldn't go to school. But I had to since I was having the cards for the roses and I did not want give up and letting other people to take the credit after all that we had done.
So the plan was to go to school and sort out the roses and completing the balloons. Earlier everything when smoothly but the hard part just keeps coming to us. The roses were not enough and the balloons have not completed yet. I almost had a breakdown, like seriously!
Business isn’t easy, since this was our first time doing this kind of stuff. So next time we would learn from our experience & mistakes and do a better job next time.
The whole day we were stuck at the counseling room just to finish the v-production and barely study in our class. Eventually at the end everything was alright, we manage to distribute all the remaining roses and balloons that we had. Everything when alright even though we did not manage to deliver some of the roses since we were short by 20+ roses. BTW, I just want to thank everybody that helps out with the V-Production; I really appreciate it and forgive me if I was being rude to anyone today. it was a really stressful and tiring day. Sorry.
Well, I really hope we made some big profit from all this.
Alright my eyes seems like they can't keep on opening anymore, till the next post.
Much love,
Posted by Su'Aidah at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
i was a kid once.
i regret staying back at school till evening. never the best thing to do,i always feel super sticky and all sweaty since i can't shower in school. ahaha. oh,did you know my school PIBG did the boy's toilet at block B like the toilet at sunway. i know it's so unfair for the girls. the school said they will do the girls toilet next but most likely i won't have a chance to actually be in the toilet itself.
well yesterday 5 Kappa officially started the v-day/friendship day production. it was hectic when we started it. but everybody was giving their cooperation so should i say,it when all smoothly? anyway,me,mariah,nesha and naznin stayed back at school to do the selling and promote our stuff. this is what i can say about the afternoon session students,they suck and so not sporting at all! except for marsya and a few student who bought our stuff. the other like so lifeless.
before that four of us head to bistro for lunch then we headed to the playground at SS18 to just play around like some bunch of kindergarden kids. btw,i miss playing at the playground,i miss the feeling of being high up in the air when i was playing the swings ;)
later on we head back to school since the sun was blazing hot.waited till the form 1 recess time,we manage to convince 1 student to buy our ballon. ahaha.i know how lame is that.
well form 2 we only got about 2 student. and the rest was just a very dissapointing.
nesha and naznin went back before the form 2 recess so they left us both at school with nothing to do beside talked. we had our fare share of laughters :p
me made a joke about the fly that naznin sat on. it was so hilarious!
btw,thanks marsya for bring your friend to buy our stuff :)
we spent our time by following and helping marsya and her friend with the tuah stuff. and mariah mom came later on and we when home half and hour earlier with marsya too. mariah mom send me home for the first time,thanks aunty!
anyway gtg,i have addmaths tuition later and i'm not using the house computer now. i'm at azian's house right now.alright till the next post and i'll post up the pictures for the pup ice-breaking when i'm free.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
it's all about PUP.
it was already 9.30 but we were still at canteen sitting and had to rush to the hall and was shocked to see a number of people actually shown up for the PUP ice-breaking.we had a bunch of activities stored for us by pn.sherily since we didn't even know what we were doing for today.overall the whole thing was great. i really did have fun even tho i fell down during the second activities. how unlucky! we ended our ice-breaking with the teachers giving some speech about our next meeting and so on. so everything is a wrapped by 11.30 since the takewando wanted to use the hall.btw,thank for coming for the PUP ice-breaking everyone!
the guys later on invited us along for some brunch at ss14.a bunch of us that consist of me,nab,adrees,irsyad,faeq,izari,farhan,raja & fitri. we ate,we talked,we laugh,we goof around and we had fun!
it never occur to me how fun it is to be around the guys BUT it can be annoying when they totally forget about you and totally leave you behind. it has happen before to me and nab. we were caught up with all the talks that be forgot about the time,it was already 1pm. the guys left first and me & nab was there waiting for nab's mom to picked us up from sss14.
reach her house and straight went up to nab's room. yada yada yada.the usual what i do when i'm at her house. later on we when to the computer and stared with the PUP blog and myspace. me and nab took such a long time just to think about the name for the email adress. we manage to figure out a name for it and we even did the myspace account which was a totally diffenrent and long story. ahahaha.
well my dad picked me up around 6.30 and thought of buying some food before going home.but my mom called and said wanted to watched movie but cancel instead my mom wanted to go sunway to buy shoe. we ate an early dinner at bawang merah and went to sunway. well as you can see i was still in my school pj cloth and luckly i brought an extra t-shirt. so i change my cloth at sunway toilet :P
by then my knee was seriously aching and every step hurts. seriously hurt ok!
i bought a bunch of cloth so that mean tomorrow there will be no shopping money for me since i bought a lot just now :) oh yeah,i forgot to mention i'll be going out with the girls tomorrow.
alright got to sign off before my mom asked me to sleep again. till the next, promise!
pictures will be added soon.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:23 PM 0 comments
I just realize that I've been out of the house for almost 16 hours .W-O-W. i was just about to reach my house when i suddenly though of counting the time I've been out of the house since morning.
so what have i been doing for the passed 16 hours?
first and for most i went to school in the morning.since Wednesday there was this massive jam just before the exit to federal highway in the morning.since then we tried to leave the house by 6.50am which actually makes a big different.alright i think i elaborate enough about that,so today was suppose to be this account class that we were "supposed" to attend but due to some factor we made up our mind not to go :)
during science we were in the lab and they all started "discussing" about the V-day production that we were planning to do to raise some money for the class. have i ever mention how i dislike my classmates.does dislike a strong word to be use? it's just that whenever we want to do an announcement in class nobody seem to listen to us.
we plan to go back to liyana's place after school to plan about it.i won't go into details just the outer surface only.end of school me and nesha had to wait in the canteen for nabila and liyana since they went to this 15-minute seminar .liyana told us to go to the car first which me and nesha totally felt awkward.waited for almost half and hour for them.later on we went to her crib and chill and was suppose to pick up mariah which there was this huge problem when liyana's brother wanted to come along and abg azwan need to send liyana's mom somewhere at puchong.which totally ruined the whole timing and i just want to say SORRY BYK-BYK MARIAH!
in the end we still manage to picked mariah up even tho it was already 5pm and we were so clueless on where to go for the discussion.we even manage to stop right in the middle on the road ,fyi there was no car so it was alright.ahaha.
everyone was hungry and our destination was syed! we talked about it and ate too,like a lot!
i totally forgot to mention who was here today! me,nabila,nesha,liyana and mariah.
later on liyana dropped me at nabila's house and the rest on the time i was with nabila reading novels on her bed. ahaha.too tired to do anything.
my dad picked me up later after that and me and my dad had dinner at melor and later on fetch my mom.
conclusion here is that even tho today seem very clueless i definitely had fun in the end.
Posted by Su'Aidah at 12:22 AM 0 comments