Wednesday, October 28, 2009

single life.

alright the previous post was a total emotional and confusing moment for me. at one point i need something to be let out, it was definitely one of "those" moments. so anyone if you are reading this i know you know who it is! so just keep it tight to yourself.
now days i've haven't had "the feeling" anymore. like seriously! it's just gone like the wind. so it's time to move one and get my study straight!

anyways, just a little update. my studying are in progress and i really starting to like accounts. i know, OMG! well basically in another 3 weeks to go it will be spm. and yes it's starting to freak me out. but a little meditation her and there everything is alright :)

plus i feel depressed now knowing that during prom there will be a slow dance going on. and it make me super depressed because i got NO DATE to go with. i'm not saying that i desperate to have one, it's just that i'll be fun bringing one. ahaha. gosh, they are right! it sucks not to have any date! well this is what i get being in a "single" life.