well yesterday i had to attend this wedding at kajang.as usual got ready and all.and i even tried to use the Bobbi Brown eye liner but i was in a rush so i didn't really got a chance to use them! can't wait! :D
so at first the plan was that i would so to azian's house then we would go together to naznin's house to help around and suddenly she said that she wanted to later and by the way i wanted to get some pictures of our mini bbq from nabila so instead of going to azain's house i when to nabila's house.well i reach around 6.30 like that and sat with her in front of the pc while she was doing some stuff.after that we when up stairs and she got ready and all. by the time she was ready and all it was already 8pm.hahaa...well we even had some camwhored session. :D
while i was still at nabila's place nesha sms me using sayhmi hp. she was already there and ask me to come now! hahah...she so semangat! :Pso off we go to naznin's house.at one point when we almost reach naznin compound nabila was like wanted to turn back since this bbq was my class thing. well when we were there tun,peet,roslan,syamil,aliff,nesha and sayhmi was already there.later on more people came and some of them couldn't make it due to some reason. while waiting for liyana to reach naznin's house since she was the whole food with her we started fire first. luckily mariah had brought some pizza along. and this time the bbq had some adult supervision and helps.

after awhile we all settle in and getting comfortable in the garden. liyana was so excited about playing the Ci Ku Pak and we only played one game.haha...most of the time we were actually taking pictures! a lot of it! we even when to the nearest playground and took more pictures! it was hell lots of fun! we were actually at the playground at 11pm at night! it's so cool!

while walking in the middle of the road!

at the playground

shadow rocks!

outside naz's house

around 11.30pm me and nabila rush home since i wanted to go back already and i wanted the pictures from the latest bbq party.
i actually reach home around 12 midnight. i seriously wanted to bath. i smell all bbq-ish! my mother insisted me to baths the hot water since it was good to bath using cold water during the night. after that i trasfer the pictures from the thumbdrive to the computer. by them it was already 1.30am and i started getting all sleepy. i when to my room on the night light and i was kinda bored for a moment and i actually started to take pictures. by 2am i serious was sleepy and i snooze off by then.
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