So the aerobic were asked to perform for the sambutan hari merdeka/hari co-curriculum. a day before the event we had a short practice on the stage and after that i skip the whole day of school since teacher tak masuk class the last 2 period. so i just hung out with nabila,izari,nadhirah and aziemahat.
the next day i wore my red t-shirt. came to school as usual. i did tried to find azian or nabila. after awhile i meet up with azian and we sat with hanisah,atiyah and farah. the funny part i think that we were the only group of red in the assembly. later nabila came and joined us. then there were a bunch of speeches and we sang song.we decided to practice on our dance moves but we ended up going to the canteen to eat. haha..i had chicken briyani. by the time we all headed back to the hall it was recess time and we when to the audio system area since farah wanted to try out some cd. while me and nabila was dancing. :D
by then it was already 10.30am and our performance was gonna start soon. i was kinda nervous. i'm always like that before doing any performance. oh yeah btw we were only doing let's got loud song. on the stage we just had fun doing it eventhough i had a mistake at the end of the dance move but who cares we had lots of fun doing it! SMKSU Aerobic team ROCKS!

after school ended me and nabila were waiting for nana's dad. while waiting we still had time to camwhored and we even dance our lets get loud song! hahah..

after reaching home nabila went to bath and i change my cloths. after that we had lunch and online.while onlining azain called asking weather we could accompany her to school for awhile. we were actually kinda tired by that time and lazy. so she decided to come over to nabila's house.while nabila was really depressed about her myspace me and azian played Ci Ku Pak.i was loosing badly but the second game i was winning and we continue playing with nabila in her room. Ci Ku Pak rules men! hahah..while playing we even ate chocolate. while nabila was doing something outside her room me and azian just talked about some personal stuff and later on joined by nabila. hahah..after that we even played monopoly. after awhile i thing azian was gonna go bankrupt! loose i win! :D

after reaching nabila's house we even had the time to make chocolate ice blended. oh yeah we even had some camwhored time and even some commercial pictures! haha. fun wey!

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