Saturday, November 22, 2008


my right arm still aching from yesterday archery game.everytime i move the arm it just keeps on aching.urgh it hurt. alright i'll stop whining about the arm and start typing about something more about me! ahaha. jk2!

feeling all nostalgic today well cause today i met up with a bunch of my cousin's that i haven't seen for ages and miss them lots. well today my cousin got engaged at last. every tho his age is close to 30 but his attitude is still very boyish.ahaha. hopefully none of my relatives finds my blog and read this post :D

this morning i had to wake up early since we had to be at my uncle's house by 11am or so since they will be serving the families brunch. at first i though of not going since i barely have enough of sleep and i was feeling sort of lazy to get my ass out of the bed.but what the hell,i didn't have anything to do beside online and watch TV so i just followed my parents. most of the time in the car i was just sleeping cause,you know why.

got there and salam with everyone and saw a bunch of them i haven't seen in such a long time,mostly my aunties relatives cause last time during raya I'll go back to rembau and raya with them. i had such fun around them :p
i even found out one of them already got married and have four girls already. i though he was still unmarried. patut lar i thought who is that lady and the four other girls. and some of them already expecting a child. it's like those pregnant season. ahahah :D

they were having some nasi lemak and lot of kuih. i didn't feel like eating the nasi lemak but i just ate the kuih and a cup of coffee. coffee is like my latest addiction. just sat around the dinning table while everyone eating away. FYI i want to keep a room in my stomach for later on. we left around 3pm and when to the girls house. me and mommy rid with my cousin that constantly likes to irritate me,while daddy is with my other cousin. i think there were about 10 cars going to the girls house. the sun was blazing hot that time and thank god i wore cotton baju kurung. if not I'll be sweating like shit!

yada yada yada waited for the people in the house to bincang and all the other just sat outside under the tent cause the house can't really accomodate a lot of people in it so yeah we just laid back and waited. since they ajak us all earliar to start eat and to think of it while waiting for the others baik kiteorg start makan dulu kan!
had rice since i hadn't had a heavy meal yet. hungry kay :P

by 4.30 we started leaving and i was the "lucky" one that had to help around to carry the hantaran since the girls balas the guys hantaran by 14 trays. i got the pulut kuning. got back to my uncle house and settle the hantaran in the living room.

people talked and talked and just laid back and watch tv. i got a moment to talked with my long time cousin. she is my aunty side nyer realative, but we knew each othe since small.talked like a bunch of stuff and i even advice her about being in form 4 since she is only a year younger than me. had cheese cake after that since i got hungry agian. i felt so boalted after that. gosh.

we left around 6 since were the last bunch. and mostly in the car i tried to sleep. got home and bath and eat dinner and here i am ones again like a person with no life blogging about my day.hah. alright feeling like eating fruit now :p till the next i guess.

Much love,