it's official! I've watched Twilight already. and the whole movie was the BOMB! seriously it's like a must watch movie. get yourself ready and buy tickets to catch twilight. gosh! yesterday I went to sunway to watch twilight with nabila. i went alone since nabila was already there since that evening with her cousin. i was kinda worried that nabila haven't bought the tickets yet since i though there must be sold out if we bought the tickets later. but thank god she bought it early. as plan it was suppose to be at 4.30pm but i called her nabila was still stuck in jam to go into sunway. so plan change to the 6.45pm movie. it felled so weird going to sunway at 6 cause at that time most probably I'll be tired to walked around already :PFYI i do not like going nor be at sunway during the weekends. it's so hectic and people everywhere. I'm too use to being at sunway during the weekdays,so yeah i no like weekends.there were people everywhere.and dah lar some people walk damn slow and that really ticks me off. while we were lining up at the food counter i ask nabila for the tickets and she was searching it got all panic. and i panic too thinking the ticket got lost. and finally she founded it. i was really relive.nabila got so excited waiting for it too start. and while the movie was going on there were this girl beside nabila her phone kept on ringing. at that really was irritating,even tho i'm not sitting next to her. didn't you see the silent your phone commercial. NUFF said,the movie was a blast. honestly i think Dr.Carlisle Cullen was the hottest among all :) plus Edward was cute.
i kept asking nabila about the story and she just can't stop telling me. ahaha. thanks nabila for spoiling me. after the movie i was sort of excited about getting the book. FYI I'm not the kind of person who terikut-ikut orang because the book seems cool to have, I'm the kind who gets attracted by the book cover. hahaha. lame huh? but that's me! bought the twilight book and got hungry and when to subway :P guess what happen while i was seating at subway! nabila spill her drink and terkena me. hahah. nab nab! we quickly make a move before and one saw us with the spill drinks on the table. walked around while waiting for my dad to pick us up. drop nabila home and i reached home around 11.30 i guess. bath and all and got started with the book. i only reached till chapter 3 since i got really sleepy since that morning i got up pretty early cause i couldn't sleep anymore.
woke up around 1pm,ahaha. i love my sleep. here i am doing this post and still think about tomorrow on what to wear since we meaning me,nesha,nab,mariah & liyana was invited to this party. I'm actually really excited :D
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