so here i go,i started the day with a cup of coffee and online for awhile.well to day my friends planed to go out to sunway. btw,today is the first time i'm going out with my friends since the holiday started. so today it's just me,nabila,farhan,azrul & raja. the usual group!
so the usual i got ready and all,hahaha...during my makeup-ing time i was worrying about my mascara! hahaha..typical girls worry about their you can see what i done t0 my eyes! hahahah...
so after getting ready and all waited for my brother to send me since my dad last minute can't send me to we picked up nabila as usual and btw we were suppose to meet the guys at the cinema around 11.30 i guees so but somehow we were kinda late so the azrul bought the tickets first. ish! can't they just wait for us. raja practically called nabila hp asking where are we now! hahaha..
btw we were watching the "The Superhero Movie". the movie was very hilarious. well i wouldn't want to spoiled the whole movie for you! :D
after the movie me & nabila was starving plus she was more starving than me since she did not eat anything since after the yesterdays McD. the guys wanted something,how shall i say this "Cheap & Filling"...
so we headed to this underground cafe that is known as Jasmine Cafe.this was my first time eating there so i didn't know what to order to i asked farhan's opinion and he said that the nasi lemak and chicken was quite nice. the food was urmm...OK i guess but i could not finish the meal. i was quite filling already. so we just hang there for awhile and decided to go for bowling. hahaha....guess what?! i actually brought stocking!hahaha...i know! it's lame! but i actually wanted to play it since the last hang out i was chicken to play it! :D
farhan was my biggest competitor,hahaha....i was just always 10 marks behind him! ahahaa...
so after having some burgers & fries nabila sister called and requested for some Subway sandwiches. so we walked all the way there btw way before leaving carl's jr there was this huge star thingy so we were kinda afraid with that thing! hahaha..
so we waited for the guys to teman us out of we rushed to the entrance to deliver the sandwiches btw raja was leaving soon they all teman us. while me and nabila waited for her sister the guys were sitting outside of coffee bean. after half and hour the sister arrived. after that we join the guys at coffee bean.after awhile raja had to leave and after that azrul rushed to the toilets! hahaha...
after awhile we head back to coffee bean for some cake's.nabila belajer us with so seriously delicious pure good cheese cake. farhan was the excited one.after so long not having any cheese cake.
so we waited for the guys to teman us out of we rushed to the entrance to deliver the sandwiches btw raja was leaving soon they all teman us. while me and nabila waited for her sister the guys were sitting outside of coffee bean. after half and hour the sister arrived. after that we join the guys at coffee bean.after awhile raja had to leave and after that azrul rushed to the toilets! hahaha...
after awhile we head back to coffee bean for some cake's.nabila belajer us with so seriously delicious pure good cheese cake. farhan was the excited one.after so long not having any cheese cake.
we enjoyed our time over there.we just talked and updates and have so stupid jokes. i definitely enjoyed myself this time. :D
and my parents and i went for dinner at melor after that we when home. by that time my head was so pening already. hahaha...and i still had some time for some camwhoring!
alright then,till the next one. BYE!
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