I miss Indonesia already!
the whole trip was awesome i love it. and i did not regret at all!
let start from the beginning,the night(Friday) before i couldn't sleep so i online and watched TV till around 2am.ahaha. my parents was so worried that i could not wake up the next morning. i packed a bit more and still couldn't sleep. maybe I'm just too excited :D i even thought of not sleeping and just read twilight again but didn't really have the mood to do it. in the end i gave up and just tried and sleep. woke up to the sound of my dad voice asking me to wake up. by then it was only 4.30am,i bath and get ready and packed a bunch more stuff.i just had a granola bar as breakfast while waited for my parents and brother to get ready.
1st day:
it was only 5.30am when we left the house. slept most of the time in the car,well what do you aspect it's only 5.30am! we reached LCC terminal around 6.30am. the terminal was full of people since it's end of the year,people would go holiday. we rushed to checked in and waited for my aunt and uncle to be there.
so the people that going is me,daddy,mak cik nani,kak su,kak jue,uncle lis & aunty nab.so that counted as seven people.our flight were at 7.35am so by 7am we had to checked in. said goodbye to my mom and brother and my other cousin's. the best part is when you go through the scanner thingy. ahaha.i would make this kind of curious face when i go through the scanner thingy :P
we reached Padang around 8.30am(Indonesia time,they are an hour before Malaysian time).we waited such long time just to go through the immigration since there were such a long line. got our bags and got out of the airport,my grandfather was already waiting for us. the last time i saw him was two years ago. i miss him,he is very nice and care :) there were two van,i got into the van with my dad,kak jue and my grandfather.
he brought us to this Padang restaurants. it was big and the food was super good and spicy! love it!
the trip to bukit tinggi took us about two and a half hour. we stop by this waterfall site. the waterfall is so amazing,felt like jumping in and swim around :P i sat beside the window the whole time and after the long hours sitting we finally reached bukit tinggi!
i was there two years ago and not much has change tho. my dad and aunt wanted to change money to start SHOPPING! went to this jewelry store to change money.then we were on our way to start shopping.there were a bunch of stores and i dah mula rambang mata!
got into this store called Mujmin and this is were we spent most of our time and money. like seriously i think we were there for almost 3 hours just by browsing through materials. i did bought like a bunch of materials and sat there for quite some time. got really bored and ate chips more with kak jue.ahaha.me and kak jue stayed behind at the store will the other went to the mosque to pray. we waited for so long and thought that they all already forgot about us.while waiting for them i was think on whether to get this materiel than is so vogue! and final they got back and i made my decision to get it. it's a long story :D
it was already 6pm and the shops are already closing and we got back to the van and move to our next destination that is maningjau. the trip took us about and hour plus and in the van everyone was already snoozing off except the driver of course! i was freaking tired any by the time i woke up we just reach kelok 44. and there goes another half and hour more to get down to Danau Maningjau. this is my kampung btw :P at last we reach my pakman's house! aunt nab and kak su was a bit dizzy from the keluk 44 since they all not used to it. i was pretty ok tho! we sat at the living room and just fall to the couch and slept. didn't felt like eating so i bath since i felt so rimas from the long trip,the water was freaking cold! the first drop of water shiver me till my spine,so you could imagine how cold it is. so for you all yang tak biasa memang susah giler! got out of the bathroom and saw everyone looking through their purchases.sat around them and just chat up with my aunties and uncles. the last time i saw them they weren't married yet and now two of my aunties are married and one is expecting her first child.
2nd day:
woke up to the sound of someone reciting Al-Quran. and that was only 4.30am and slept back again till around 8.30am.woke up and baths and ate breakfast.kak jue even heard the reciting and though that someone on the radio out loud.ahaha.and i totally forgot that my pakman's house is just next to a mosque :D it was a rainy day so we didn't when out anywhere. later in the evening we walked to this house,they are somehow related to our family.it was still raining when we wanted to walked home,since we didn't bring along any umbrella they gave us banana leaf! i felt so hilarious just by holding it. the whole day we ate & watched TV till night.
3th day:
Selamat Hari Raya Qurban to all Muslims! i woke up around 8-ish while everyone when to the mosque i stayed behind.later on everyone came back home and we when to another pakman's house to visit him. btw i have two pakman's(grandfather),they are my father's uncles.so that make them my grandfathers :P at his house he served us rice and a bunch of dishes.later on uncle Noris from Kota Canai with his son(Adip) and this guy came to the house.while the others were talking i ate 3 limau.on the way back we took another route just to explore the area.i love my kampung,it's so green.sedap mata memandang!and again the whole day we just spent by watching tv and ate.got addicted to watching the indon drama :)
4th day:
on this day we planned to go to bukit tinggi again.on the way up we stop by the kelok to take pictures.the scenery is so breath taking.in the van while on the way to bukit tinggi i got a bit sick cause of the road condition.we when to the same shop again to buy a bunch more materials.later on we found out that my pakman that came along with us got hospitalize due to high blood pressure,but his condition is alright.they told us not to worry.we continue with the shopping and had lunch at this restaurant.me,kak su & aunty nab had orange juice and it was so bad that we only had a few sip and didn't want it anymore!even the waiter felt a sense of regret and ask forgiveness since their orange juice was so bad.like seriously,no kidding!my aunties when to this new shopping complex just to check out while we meaning me,kak su & kak jue when to check out the bukit tinggi nyer KFC.since we all teringin sangat nak try the KFC there.ahaha. not bad tho,macam sama aje except the chili sauce a bit spicy. in the evening we visited pakman at the hospital.we spent an hour at the hospital just talking.i travel back with my uncle's car with my dad & aunties and adip(my uncle's son).got a bit dizzy tho,my head felt heavy.came home and just wash my face and slept.
5th day:
we spend the day going through our purchases.kak su jealous i got the vogue nyer material!ahaha.just joking! and again we ate and watched TV the whole day till night! i got addicted watching the drama.my favourite drama is kasih & amara.the story buat orang menyampah aje,but still nak tengok.we all semua tengok :) sometime they make the drama so unrealistic. seriously if i were kasih i dah belasah amara and the bitchy mother.vino is super cute and randy is hot even tho he plays as the bad character!! ahaha.you all don't know the story.in the afternoon we took a trip down to Hamka's museum.he is some honorable men. sat there and we were presented with a story about Hamka's life and journey through out his life.Hamka's story truly is great.
6th day:
when to bukit tinggi AGAIN! gosh.it's like the third time we were going there.berjuta-juta rupiah habis.ahaha.before that we visited our pakman at the hospital. he seem better.after that we when to bukit tinggi to buy some more things,but this time me,kak su & kak jue stayed behind and sat at KFC since both of them were sort of muflis already.my aunt when on to buy some stuff for her family back home.we spent out time talking and catching up with a bunch of stuff.they wanted to buy some stuff so i followed them around.then we catch up with my dad,aunties and uncles somewhere that i can't remember already :D i followed my aunties to the mosque.while i just stayed outside the mosque,sitting there and took care of their shoes.later on my dad and uncles came and accompany me and waited for the others. ahaha.had fun tho.you know that guy who followed my uncle from kota canai is kinda cute but what a waste he is married :P
had a very late lunch at this restaurant that guy brought us to.i just had piece of chicken since i had and early lunch at KFC with they all. we left the other to eat while me,kak su & kak jue when on to buy some last minute shopping item.got to this souvenir shop that kak jue when the other day and we met this cute guy,THE ONLY cute guy we saw while at Indonesia.ahaha.i bought some stuff from him and had to rush back to the car since they were waiting for us already.got there and i only saw my dad and uncles.didn't see my aunties.they were still shopping. we though we were late already.waited for almost half and hour for them.
my uncle brought us to taman panorama at bukit tinggi.the view is so beautiful.you could see this active volcano.so breath taking.then we walked to the Lobang Jepang(Japanese tunnel) it's an old tunnel that was build by the Japanese during their invasion.uncle lis when down first followed by that guy and me dad and last but not list,ME! the stairway was super long down.one looked down my leg shiver a bit but i continue going down since i was already half way through. it's about a few hundred meters below.the tunnel was super long,there were light to guide us through.walked till the escape hole. i was so out of breath during the walked back up the stairs.so for smoker I'll be harder for them to walked up. it was such a relieve just to reach the top.sat down for awhile to catch my breath.tiring giler kot!
later we when to picked up kak lisa at the hospital and stop buy a near fruit store.while the others were there me & kak su wanted to try the sate.oh it's good.the gravy is delicious wey! we ate at the store while the others waited for us.ahaha.the trip back to maningjau seem so fast this time. reach home,bath and eat. and started packing and sorting out our things. i couldn't sleep so i just watched TV till around 11 kot.
7th day:
woke up super late since we didn't have to go anywhere.so i took my time to do everything.mostly we watched TV and ate most of the time.it was our last day and we just spent most of out time at the living room.at night some relative came over to give some food to bring back to Malaysia. a lot i say! we had trouble during our packing.had so much of things to bring back and started to worry about the taxes.i slept early since we had to left maningjau by 8 am and had to wake up at 5am the next day.
Departing day:
my aunt woke me up around 4.30am to bath and get ready.by 6am i got ready and settle everything.ate my last breakfast and we all just sat at the living room chatting away.by 8 we had to depart.said goodbye to everyone and left for our journey to the airport.we reach around 10.30 and check in.
we reach kl around 5pm.

to sum up everything i really enjoyed my trip back.the best ever! i will miss all of them back there.love to go back there again.god knows when I'll be back there again.and i hope my pakman health is better now.
Much love,
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