after that we all got out of the room and just wanted to take a bunch of pictures! and during that time irsyad was eating the cake that we save for him. oh yeah farhan was like so excited to go up on the tree house!hahaha.. btw he was a bit scared of height!
and i took a bunch of picture while the dudes were up there! hahahah.. irsyad and izari tried to do the titanic! giler funny! :P
and i took a bunch of picture while the dudes were up there! hahahah.. irsyad and izari tried to do the titanic! giler funny! :P
i really enjoyed my time with korang! it's the best b'day ever! oh yeah! farhan conquer his fear with fish! hahaha.. oh you all should be there! farhan was totally freak out by those fishes in nabila's pond! and i was lucky to get those moment on video!hahaha..... maybe i'll post it on the youtube!

so we jus hang around and just talked and izari had to go back because he had tuition and followed by azian and farhan & raja. irsyad stayed back till almost around 7.30. oh i totally forgot to tell you that i had addmaths tuiton at night. jiaee when back around 7. before that me,jiaee,nabila and irsyad was talking about this "stuff" hahaha... i don't think i'll post about it here! it's just too cencored! hahaha...
so i'm ending my blog till here! till the next post when i'm free!
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