yesterday was a blast!we planned to have this berbuka puasa with the guys at sunway.the usual people of course that consist of me,nabila,farhan,raja and azrul.azrul was suppose to bring along 2 of his friend but they didn't come.while me and nabila was already reaching sunway azrul called and raja was on the line and they asked whether we were there yet or not and we had a missed communication. ahahah.
at first the guys decided that they would want to eat at sunway/carl's jr. me and nabila on the other hand wanted to eat something more filling than just some burger or sandwich you know.than we though about eating pizza hut. and so we walked to pizza hut thinking of wanting to booked a table but they had this policy for no booking table kinda stuff. then the guys tried to ask at carl's jr. and it was the same too.
while we waited for the breaking time me and nabila separated from the guys since they wanted to do some shopping spree of them own. while nabila was finding for some shoes.around 7 i called farhan and they told us to wait for them at carl's jr, while waiting me and nabila got bored and fed up of waiting for them and we headed to pizza hut. by then it was full house already but we still wanted to eat there and we were on the waiting list. nabila called the guys to come to meet us there. we didn't care if they wanted to eat at carl's jr ,we want to eat at pizza hut. so the guys came and sat with us and later on we manage to get a table. yeah :P
we order and talked and laugh and stuff. while waiting for the food and berbuka puasa time me snap a bunch of pictures.

the guys shared a large pizza while me and nabila ate our regular pepperoni. it was so good and filling!
the guys had finish their pizza while me and nabila still have two more pieces in the plate thingy. farhan was like wanting our pizza but we quickly took it.ahahah.. it was freaking hilarious. we laugh for almost 5 minutes straight. we were saying something about raja but he didn't realize at all. he was too enjoying his food.
after pizza my mom called and asked whether i was done with it. while nabila had to be back by 8.30. it such a rare thing for us to be back to early. never kot! so the guys wanted to pray and we separated with the guys and was suppose to meet up again at secret recipe but we ended up going shopping. by 8.30 my dad came and my mom called me to come out now. me and nabila was just about to pay for our cloths after that we ran as fast as possible. we were out of our breath when we reach in the car. we drop nabila home and my mom decide to eat mcd since she hasn't eat her dinner yet. i have oroe berries mcflurry. it was good :D
i love the baju that i bought yesterday! thank god my parents approve of it. parents! plus i'm super duper excited about tomorrow! yea me! i'll be going to klcc with mariah and nesha! and and raya is just in 2 & 1/2 days more! woohooo!