well as you all know my mid-year exam is this Monday.and as you can see i'm not reading any reference book now! i'm actually waiting for the one tree hill episode to finish download. now i haven't really got that exam mood. actually I'm missing the old time. i miss the aerobic practice. how can i not miss it! we practice for almost a month and i had made new friends.
oh yeah! i should update about the MSSM! like omigosh! the whole thing was the boom! we really had lots of fun! everyone love our performance and yes we didn't expect to do an encore! all the people from each of the kontejen joined us during the encore performance!
oh yeah! did you know we had to wear this red t-shirt and this uncomfortable track pants! we didn't expect to wear those kind of pants. well i can say that almost no not almost, everyone was complaining about the cloths. but what to do! we had to wear them if not we can perform! plus went we were at the stadium teacher asked us to wear this cap. the cap was not the big problem! the tuck-in the pant was the most big big problem!
someone mouth was very the masin went we got our baju! we look like a total nerd! hahaha...

well the whole event started around 3pm. so we had to gather at the schools canteen and had our lunch that was prepared by the school canteen.

haha..i look funny in this picture! well as you can the *ehem*ehem*..hahaha..lets just skip the part! i don't want to spill the bean! :P
our bus had reach the stadium first.so we had settle down right in the middle of the walking way.so what! we didn't care.and we started to have our cam-whoring time.

and later on the other buses reach the stadium. well all of the GIRLS was so busy watching the hot hot athlete.well the sarawak and sabah ones was so hot!
and so bla bla bla teacher asked us to go into the stadium and we started settling ourself .we of course it was hot. at least the sun wasn't facing us. so we waited and waited and watch bunch of runners! they were damn fast.after the last 4 by 4 run we had to get ready for the big thing! i was so excited/scared! how can i not be scared! my back was practically facing the athlete from the kontejen!
well we started doing our this and everyone was cheering for us.I'm sure some of the people was checking out the girls ass.hahaha...but sorry the pants makes the whole thing not sexy! we look so nerdy in those pants! and the whole performance really turn our GREAT! everyone was cheering for us! and everyone was really doing their thing!
so bla bla bla...we had the encore. fun thing! and that was the end of everything! all the hard work really paid off! after the performance most of the girls when to the toilet to change! plus i had changed too!
all of us were waiting for our bus but it was stuck in the jam. can you imagine lots and lots of buses! while waiting for our bus we wave to the athletes!

at one point before the selangor bus depart they still had time to take pictures with some of the SMKSU girls!

some of them were not ready for the shot!
i think we wave to almost everyone that past us.and my arm was getting really tired. being celebrity is not easy you know! waving is a really hard job! hahaha..
well teacher called us to go back to our bus since almost everyone was gone already! just us only. i was freaking tired! after reaching the school some of us wanted to go to the bistro for a clebration to our success! just a few when. some of them were already infront just leaving me nabila,irsyad and izari. we took our time walking to SS14. izari and irsyad just stayed there for a while since they had to go home already! me and nabila stayed to eat.i was fun! sing! eat! sing! eat!
i think it was around 7 ish and everyone had to go back and so did we. me and nabila was suppose to go to her aunt house but nabila father decided to fetch us. as usual i was crashing nabila's house. i just stayed there for a while.
well this is the end of it! till the next post!