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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
team jacob all the way!
as you can see i've become "Team Jacob". ahahaha.
i know it's freaky, but what the hell! arghh, i can stand this anymore! i need to watch New Moon like as soon as possible. since spm is over i hope i get to watch it, if not I'll buy the DVD if i have to. i ain't going to wait for the astro to show it. it will take them ages to shown on the TV.
actually i wanted really bad to watch the movie because i wanted to see jacob. since i saw the new moon movie wallpaper, oh well i think from there you would understand since i talk about it in my previous post already.
anyways, will update soon!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Today is the day i start breathing again.
(7th December 2009)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:35 PM 0 comments
the days begins.
The day is finally here, my freedom day! AHHH *shouts like crazy* you have no idea how it feels like when the hall supervisor took our economics paper 2 from our hand. ahaha. the first thing i did was smile to myself and deep down inside i wanted to shout ;) it was a great day for me. you have no idea how long I've waited for this day to come since like i don't know, 3 month ago.
the examination hall roar to life with pure excitement in our voices, cheering the end of spm well for some of us! others still had a few paper to go. well today was suppose to be a relax day for me, but my friends apparently can't wait to start this glorious day with a day out somewhere far from sunway. i would have assume that maybe we would go to sunway but they decided to go to times square.well times square was not a bad choice! ahaha. it was really fun and full of laughter and shouting like some maniac person. seriously! i spend my day with mariah, nesha, azian, tun and liyana! THERE AWESOME!
you should really try the DNA MIXER, crazy i say! i practically have bruises when i got home on both of my shoulders. but it was worth it. after the whole theme park thing me, liyana, azian and tun had some sushi king while nesha & mariah settle for some KFC ;) i was really actually craving for some tune mayo and California rolls.
well the worst part of it was the traffic jam that we caught our self into while on the way back. with the heavy rain that was pouring down, it was hard even to read the sign boards. i reach home around 8pm. thank liyana for the ride back and tun too! hahaha.
can't wait to go to azian's house to play monopoly and go for swimming ;)
more update to come from me! loving every second now!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
my heart just melts away.
My latest obsession is Taylor Lautner! he is so bloody hot. he is the hot stuff of all hot stuff! he's body in the new moon cover is like, OMFG!as you can see currently this photo is my screen saver. every time i see this, i just melt away! ahaha :o
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Happy 17th Birthday NoorAzian!
A special post for my best friend Azian! This post is specially made by moi for you!
What can i say, she has been with me through out my high school years. We've been stuck in the same class since form 1. ahaha. we had so much memories together. I'm glad I knew her, she's one hell of a girl to be with. She the BEST! She always has a smile on her face and always try to cheer me when I'm having a bad day.
Azian, I'm so glad that i knew you. Thanks for making my day a bright sunny day :)
Love you babe!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
i can smell the freedom already.
as everyone know currently I'm still in those spm weeks. haha. gosh, you have no idea how i dealt with the first day of spm. everyone is all worried but I'm the weird one with a smile on my face laughing and grinning like some retarded person. haha. anyways "i think" i did the best i would do. sejarah paper 2 was shit like who doesn't know!
i still have another three set of exams paper.
well mostly I've been worrying about my account! account paper is this coming Monday and tomorrow till Sunday i have accounts tuition which I'm not complaining at all! since it will be my last tuition classes.
I'm bored so just now i was search some new TV series to watch after I'm finish with my exam. am i found this TV series called "the vampires diaries", I'm not sure if it already shown on the TV or not but whatever it is I'm currently downloading the whole 1st season. Damon Salvatore is divine!
and gotta go! love you ppl to bits! :)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
the kuno internet!
helo people! currently blogging at hypermedia which is really weird. it's really weird blogging in an open place. anyway i'm here supposely to study. just did my science paper. so i'm just taking a break from studying. i'm currently browsing through some theme party for the evening in paris.
gosh the internet here is freaking slow. dah lar takde mozilla firefox. kuno giler!
the place here is really boring and cold. eveytime i come her my feet would always be cold.ahaha
anyway gtg. this pc is really boring ;)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
the new icon.
Emma Watson has grown up quite well and now she a fashion icon.
OK this is really random but I'm bored out of my mind after coming back from the library studying sejarah!
Posted by Su'Aidah at 4:53 PM 0 comments
designer shoes.
Apparently i was browsing through images of designer shoes and this really caught my eye! the picture says it all. Awesome design ;)
Posted by Su'Aidah at 4:48 PM 0 comments