first time ever in my life i when somewhere further than sunway pyramid with my friends.ahaha.weird huh? this plan was like really long time ago.we all suppose to skip school with parents permission to go shopping at klcc but all of them couldn't make it but surprisingly my dad gave the green light to me to skip huh?!
yesterday the only one could make it to klcc was just me and mariah. nesha was suppose to come along but that morning she sms mariah saying that the has a serious gastric pain so it just left us to go. i planned myself to wake up 7.45am thinking that ok that is still i got up and eat the sahur food since i was not fasting that day due to some monthly stuff. can you imagine i got my p just an hour before berbuka! i was like "damn it! just an hour to go!".wasted aje i fast the whole day!
back to the main story people.ahaha.around 9am i asked my dad to sent me to mariah's house since the mother will be sending us to klcc. the original plan was suppose to that me and mariah will hoop on the train to klcc but since mariah's mom was on the way to kl so she send us. mariah's mom is super nice! i bukan nak bodek or anything but her mom macam jenis yg very sporting :)
i reach mariah house and we straight when up to her room! since it was my first time i explore her room any all! ahahah. i had a few chocolate since i was still kinda hungry even though i had rice before i we even snap a bunch of pictures ;)
we reach klcc about 10-ish i guess.her mom send us right in front of the iSetan mall entrance.during that time we still could see the sales people still wiping the shelf and all so it count as we came kinda early. surprisingly i though that day will be kinda pack but not many people were there.we planned our self where we should start first so we started at the ladies section and move to other and mariah bought some t-shirts after that we when up to get to stuff ;)
moving onward to the next destination is to DP at parkson.we just when to parkson because got DP otherwise we won't go since parkson seems kinda those high end place. it's so awkward being in a department store that we know we can't even afford an item with our parents.later we when to some shoe store just to look only. then i remembered that my mom reminded me to get the potpourri and the oil from lovely lace. ok i totally love the lovely lace shop. it's so lovely! ahaha. i'm so lame :)
after that we when to mark&spencer.mariah bought her room spray.i spray the perfume here and there to smell it. after a few test spray then only mariah could smell it,ahaha before that i was kinda hard for her to smell it.then we when to the food section.heheh.i got myself some all butter cookie.yum yum! it's good.i <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(153, 255, 255);">self-indulge.before that mariah got her sister book while i was finding for a book. i finally got the book that i wanted and bought it right away! SINS OF THE NIGHT by Sherrilyn Kenyon. we sat at a corner to have a bite.whenever people past by we would hide it in our hand. at one point mariah was laughing and then i was laughing too. she laugh cause when i move her bag and put it down it made a laud sound. it was actually her bottle. we sat the whole time eating and reading our book until her mom called us ans asked us to meet up in front of kfc.

we met up and her mom asked what to eat so she could buy. kfc lines was long so she bought at burger king. while her mom order we just stand a few feet away.ahaha. malu kot. then we were talking about some stuff and laugh about it. kite masuk the car aje mariah took out the burgers. we were starving by the car dah takyah nak cover cover makan. after the burger i was still hungry so i ate my cookie!i called my dad while we were on the way home since my dad was at care4 i told mariah that i would go back to her place to wait for my dad.we reach her house and straight to her room after that when to the tv/pc area.ahaha. she showed munchkin's room.he is adorable.he kept smiling!while they were playing sponge bob with him i was reading the book i bought just now.
after awhile i called my dad to pick me up.i when home around 6 kot. i followed my dad to the nursery since he wanted to get some sand to plant some plant. i got home and bath and sat in my room the whole night reading the book. seriously ones i read it i could stop. it's so addicting ;) i read and read and i don't know what happen i woke up to the knock of the door my mom telling me to off the lights.i must have slept away since i was kinda tired after coming back.
the next day i woke up and it was already the eve of raya!next day was raya already! happy kot! i bath and ate tune sandwich and start reading the book again. i read the book the whole day. my dad though i was sleeping in the room but actually i was quietly reading. i was so excited of finishing the 6pm my mom called me to take my bath. i took a quick one and continued reading it.i was so close to finishing it! my dad called me down to eat dinner. i could take my hands off the book. so i when down and ate my dinner. i was the first one to finishing my dinner ;) drank water and start reading my book again in my room.
i finish in just about half and hour later since there was just one and half chapter left. i would definitely recommend you too read it when your about 18 and above! this book has some ehem ehem part since i took this book from the romance section! so here i am in front of the pc on the second day of raya! :) wanting for my aunt and a few of my cousin to come and then I'll be out the whole day i guess going house to house eat and get green packets! woohoo! btw hope you guys and girls out there have a blast for the raya celebration!
haha what the hell are u talking bout?
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