hello hello!
i know,i promise myself that i won't touch the computer until my exam officially over but what the hell.its so irresistible ok! exam have been super duper head breaking for me.urgh! i hate whenever there is exam. gosh i can't believe if this was spm! dead wey!
life has been pretty much chilling even though its exam week. final don't really bring much stress to me but the mid-terms give me headache. can't wait till exam is actually over and after that no one can bug me when i just want waste my time.ahaha.dumb ryte? don't mind the retarded-ness.
so just now i had dinner with the family at parade :D after that i when around here and there while searching for some stuff. oh yeah then i got myself a Liz Claiborne wallet. ahaha. buying a wallet is like a yearly thing for me. i just don't know why but every year I'll change it. but I'm always satisfied with my purchase.
